Quote Originally Posted by Liz M View Post
Hi folks, husband of new member Liz M (Banchory) here - I am the guy with the Jaguar Convertible that spoke with the Mini Members at the Kellockbank on the Highland Tour. A couple of tips on keeping the convertible top in good condition.
First up, as inviting as it might be, DO NOT fold the hood when it is wet, or even just damp. This is a sure fire way to encourage the rot / mildew to set in. If left untreated, the mildew will rot the fabric.
Secondly, treat your soft top as you would the other parts of the bodywork on the car, i.e. clean it regularly, including shampooing it during the wash process with your Microfibre Mitt. Never use a scrubber - anything that you can brush across your skin without scratching will be fine on your fabric roof. I even use the power washer on my soft top, but obviously not at full beans. If you do use the power washer, especially to remove the shampoo suds, make sure you deploy it at an angle to 'sweep' across the fabric, not aimed full on to the fabric.
Next, depending on the use and storage conditions, you will need to waterproof the fabric at least once every 2 years - if not a daily driver and stored in a garage when not in use. In the rain, the water should 'bead' on the soft top, exactly the same as waxed bodywork.
I use the Meguiar's soft top range - in fact I use Meguiar's range of products for all elements of my car care; although if you follow the normal washing regime I describe above, you don't necessarily need to use the soft top cleaner, just the proofing spray. When doing the spray, treat the car as though it was having the roof repainted and mask off everything that is not the fabric roof. You will be amazed at the results you can achieve and once you have the routine in play, it is easy to keep it going.
Jim M
Great tips Jim. Thanks